Our documentary film A Cautionary Tale, directed by Ilinca Călugăreanu was nominated for Best Documentary Film at GOPO AWARDS 2024. ABOUT THIS PROJECT ABOUT THIS...
MIA MISSES HER REVENGE has been selected for Findecoin International Short & Feature Film Festival in Venezuela! (…) READ MORE ABOUT THIS PROJECT ABOUT THIS PROJECT
Very happy to announce that MEN OF DEEDS, directed by Paul Negoescu, is among the 17 co-productions supported at the 161st Eurimages Board of Management...
Today, US AGAINST US, Andra Tarara’s documentary can be seen in Romanian avanpremiere, online for 12 hours @Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest on tvgo.orange.ro. (…)...
We are grateful to all our team – SUB25, Papillon Film, MMS Communications, Asterisk and our special partner for this event, Romanian Cultural Institute Warsaw....
US AGAINST US, Andra Tarara’s debut documentary is premiering @Ji.hlava IDFF, in the Between the Seas competition. (…) READ MORE on ji-hlava.com ABOUT THIS PROJECT ABOUT...
Other highlights include Things We Said Today, the new found-footage project from Andrei Ujică on New York’s daily life during the summer of 1965, when...